Small Block Full Length Header Options - Ground Clearance

Yes Rusty, it is exactly true.

Maybe my language was a little colorful, but nothing is going to scrape if your car is at stock ride height. So yes, you can run cheap headers if you're at stock ride height. I never said you couldn't. But then the entire header ground clearance conversation we're having here is pretty moot, don't you think? If you can't drag a set of below the steering link headers, it doesn't matter which ones have the best clearance does it?

So, maybe we weren't talking about cars that are at stock ride height?

Because maybe theres no point in even having this conversation for a stock height car?

Well Rusty, I have over 20 years of experience working on cars, trucks, and motorcycles. Everything from British sports cars to old American hemi's, fire trucks and even a few tractors. And a few pretty capable 4wds too, whether you care to believe me or not.

And I'm sure my 20+ years of experience is nothing compared to you. But you know what? Doesn't matter. Because the fact that you always resort to name calling when someone doesn't agree with you tells me that you probably don't understand nearly as much as you think you do.

I was funning with you man. Lighten up. I knew that'd grab