toshiba c855d laptop help

Ok, RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH! I will not tell you which one to buy, I don't know what you use your laptop for. If you store a lot of pictures and programs on it then you will need a bigger storage hard drive. SSD or regular. Regular will be cheaper, but will break if you drop it, as you found out. SSD is more expensive, but SHOULD NOT break with a moderate drop like the one that broke the hard drive you have now.
The two kinds are mixed, regular with SSD's. LOOK CLOSELY at them. Measure the height of the one you currently have!!!! There is a difference. If you have paperwork for your lap top, read it to see what the dimensions of your hard drive is. It is important!
The speed, how quick/fast at finding things you have saved, of the hard drive depends on two things for sure, RPM, and cache. Those two have a lot to do with the 'search' speed, or how 'fast' it takes to find something and bring it up. Again!!!!! RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH. It is always a GREAT thing to learn new stuff, it's what keeps us young! 2.5 600003490;17_791_47515_47515,Detail;18_160_877_877
I have bought stuff from all three, and I will buy from them again. That has been my experience with them, but I researched the daylights out of whatever I bought. It can be very frustrating, or very rewarding to do this, but knowledge is the key to happiness. Sorry, I know I'm probably going overboard on the research thing, but I don't want you to be unhappy with doing this. That's why I want you to possess the knowledge, it empowers us!. Ok, good luck!