Another Mopar Off My Bucket List - Barracuda Fastback

I am just totally amazed!! It's infreekinbeleevable!! I tried the trick where you use an iron to straighten the wood and it worked!!

The first step is to lay the wood down on a flat surface with the cupped side up. I used our kitchen Formica counter top.

Step two is to lay a towel over the surface of the wood and saturate it with water. I doubled up a medium weight bath towel and then poured tap water over it from a cup.

Step three is to turn the iron up to it's highest temperature and very, very slowly work your way across the board as the water turns to steam. It doesn't hurt to leave the iron sit in spots for long periods of time. I just watched to make sure I wasn't scorching the towel. Then you remove the towel and wipe up whatever moisture is on the counter.

By the time you're done with that last step the board will already be fairly flat. It does call for a fourth step though. You flip the board over and cover it with a dry towel. Then you apply heat as you did on the other side of the wood. I used a thinner towel for this backside. Without the moisture it was difficult to transfer heat through a thick towel.

The last step is to step back and grin, because it really does work!





I still have a few cracks that need attention but otherwise the wood looks perfect.

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