door handle button sticks

The button part isn't a big deal at all, and usually just a shot of something will free it up.
I did one of mine the other day because I had the panel off already to do some (silencing) and glass adjusting on the inside of the door.
Just a couple of blocks of foam rubber about 2x2 silences noisy rods, and helps to keep them from moving on thier own.
I put them between the inner door and the rods, and it works great for quite awhile.

Falling into the lock position was a function of an over center type spring in the mechanism I think. (what it feels like anyway)

While I had the panel off I shot the button mechanism with a spray liquid graphite that dries and leaves the graphite.
WD40 works also, but it dries up fast and the problem comes back sooner. (why I use the graphite spray)