5500 Stall Converter Cruising (Video)

Today was a nice day and since that's rare in winter, I headed for a quick turn around the block. I mostly just wanted to post this up for educational purposes because I know some folks wonder how an 8" converter acts on the street. Several guys here run them but I had a hard time finding a video showing it before I bought mine. Unfortunately the car is sort of in "don't go far from home" mode since I have no alternator on it (cross threaded bolt in my block) and everything that keeps the motor fed and cooled is electric. This was a last minute thought so it starts at cruise speed. I couldn't get too crazy with acceleration since I had a phone and steering wheel in one hand and the other on the shifter. And disregard the fuel pressure drop. That was due to slosh on an almost empty fuel cell. I'll get a better vid later but this is the last time I'll probably have it out for the next few months getting everything finished out.