9 inch hubs?

Ok. I'm surprised someone didn't already chime in with this one, I'm sure it's here already if I had known what to search for. The original studs have what I'm calling chines going all the way through the hub, normal. However I've never seen this setup, the chines also bite into the drum, on top of that after you beat them to get 45 year old drum and hub separated, the studs are shot, even using an air hammer and lots of torch ( no luck) with the nuts on backwards, they are shot. After you finally get them separated, the studs have a reverse cone shape, meaning the harder you beat them the tighter they get! Ugh! Then you have to grind off of the studs the protruding reverse cone of the chines down to where they will fit through the hole they are seated in on the stud, and then beat them out using a BFH and lots of heat on the hub. Times this by ten, fun job that was.

You didn't read thru that link I posted,, did you..??

It only takes a few minutes with a drill and a coupla different bits to drill the heads off, then a moderate hit with a medium hammer and punch shoots the old stud right out, the stud are only mild steel.. as you found out.. Too much heat can cause it's own probs..

Oh well,, You can lead a horse to water, .... . . . .. lol