Issue with brand new truck. Advice on how to proceed?

Thing is this. SOMEBODY SOMEWHERE knows what happened to that truck. For them to act like they did not is dishonest.

Kitty and I bought her new 04 Escape in December of 03. We almost got one off the lot. I opened the door checking it out and the plastic trim on the door hit the front fender as the door opened, popping the trim off the door.

Dick Marcott's (RIP) son Adam was our salesman. He said "no, this ain't workin" jumped in the car and drove it around back. They didn't know what happened to it, but knew something did and they were not gonna hide it.

They didn't have another one on the lot like it, so he apologized, did a dealer search and found one. Although it was much more expensive than what we chose. Adam matched the price without question and it was there later that afternoon.

This whole thing to me sounds unscrupulous. I don't give a damn whether it is "just a scratch" or "just a warranty repair".

That said, the deal killer now is the fact that you have waited so DAMN LONG to do anything. That shows acceptance of the product. A new car is supposed to be just that. A new car. Anything less is not. But since you've waited so long, I think you're gonna have a long row to hoe to get anything done about it.

I actually brought this to attention on EDIT: 12/2/2014, unfortunately my work took me out of state for half of December, and three weeks in jan. I have call logs and voice mail files to show that. It was just the last week in January that the body shop confirmed that it was not a factory defect/repair and it was without doubt done after the truck was off the transport truck. Yesterday was when the dealer I had submit the warranty request that said that he found out that the dealer that I purchased the truck from was the one that did the repair, in spite of their denial to any involvement or work performed.

Chrysler very well may tell me to eat it. It wouldn't surprise me after all that has already transpired. Which REALLY sucks because I planned on buying a Challenger a few, ok several, years down the road.

Time will tell, I'm just a customer and whether they realize it yet or not, I have the freedom to spend my money at any of the other competitors.