Carter Carburetors ~ Tech and Specs

Carter Carburetors

1964 Plymouth/Dodge ~ 383/330 HP and 426/365 HP 'Street-Wedge'

AFB {#3611S}
Rated @ 566 CFM's

Throttle Body Sizes ............ 1 7/16" x 1 9/16"
Venturi Sizes ..................... 1.186" x 1.313"
Primary Jets ...................... .089"
Secondary Jets .................. .0689"
Metering Rod .................... 16-217 {.0615" x .058" x .055"}

The 'standard and reliable' 383/330 HP ~ Four-Barrel Carburetor.

Also utilized for the 'new' 426-S {365 Horsepower} 'Street-Wedge'.

Note: The biggest complaint. The {566 CFM} Carburetor strangled the
air-flow on 'Top-End' for the 426-S 'Street-Wedge'.