way too slow at drag strip! what should it run?

20* of timing - hitting it with a 200+shot?

Popping/crapping - fuel delivery... why 5 psi?

Lol, that would be low enough timing for at least 300 shot lol.... The 20° timing wasn't on purpose.. I set it by ear BC no light. And this dizzy has start retard so I couldn't set it by the way it started. After the run at the track I got a timing light on it and found out it was only pulling 20° max. The dizzy had limiter put in it. It was setup for 28° initial and 6° mechanical advance and all to come in around 2200rpm. Which would have been fine for this engine IMO if I would have had a light and actually had the initial set at the 28° at idle.. But apparently I had it set by ear at 14° at idle and it only advanced up to 20°. Oh and the 5psi was from a bad fuel regulator.