way too slow at drag strip! what should it run?

I also agree on the carb.. But I basically got it from holley for free lol... I bought the 770 street avenger back in 2006 when they first came out. Well they had some metering block probs.. Long story short my carb ate itself from inside out after 8 months.. Well 8 yes later after it set in a box I found out holley had a warranty recall and would replace it for free... Well they did. Sent me a brand new one even after 8yrs later. So I used it... I'm going to get a HP series DP from them. I'm thinking 750 but maybe 850. Not sure yet. Also I ran the first run with 15psi in slicks then went down to 8psi no change. I know the suspension is crap on the 67. It was a work in process but the plans changed and the engine will go into the Dakota now.. I'm confident I will hook up with it. I'm just curious on what this engine should run when running correctly in a 3000lb chassis. Like what I should expect or work towards by tuning. And I'm curious on why the 4.88 with 29 would be too much? I'm asking BC I really want to know. By the calculated gear and tire it should be like 117mph at 6600rpms... That should be mid to low 11's which is what I want. Wouldn't that be using the whole engine HP to make the quickest time possible without waisted or unused rpm? If I hit the rev limiter before going through traps then I could go taller tire and would mean that it possibly could run faster right? This is race car 1/4 only.. What I'm asking or saying is if I went to say 4.10's as suggested and only pulling 5800-6000 through traps and the engine pulls hard to 6500-6600 wouldn't that be leaving some ET/ mph on the table to be had??