How difficult should it be to turn over by hand??

I finally had the chance to put my 273 complete rebuild together over the last week and went through the steps in a mopar book as far as assembling pisotns, rods, bearings. I had the rods and crank turned 10/10 and it seamed fine when i installed the crank, turned pretty easy by hand without any wrenches (is that normal?) I gaped the rings to specs and now that its completely assembled without the heads on its really hard to turn over with a huge crescent wrench, but once it gets started its a bit easier to move. I noticed after leaving it alone for an hr that when i came back to turn it i nearly tipped to engine off the stand to get it to turn, is this normal?



Did you rotate it after each piston and rod assembly? Do the cylinders bearings and rings have a plenty of oil? If you have all good parts and machine work it should not be that hard to turn without heads.