Dumbest people on the internet

Here's another theory for you.

Someone walking down a street with a cellphone texting away and not noticing where they are walking and walk out in front of a car and get's hit.
Judges and lawyers allow and assist in blaming and holding the city where it happened finacially accountable for not making it where this idiot can't walk out in front of a car while not paying any attention to thier surroundings.

It's not just medical science that saves dumbass people, it's our system.
Osha would have had them put up a barrier that would keep the caveman from poking that bear in the first place.

The system tried it's best to make it illegal or phisically impossible to poke the bear, but the caveman was dumb enough to do it anyway, and now the other cavemen responsible for making poking the bear as hard to do as possible are held responsible for old Ug's self inflicted death out of his own stupidity.

So now the family of the the caveman that got killed by the bear he poked with a stick gets to take some of the food, furs and the best caves away from the same people who tried to keep his dumb *** from from getting killed by poking a bear with a stick.

My theory on why there are so many stupid people:

Medical science has improved to the point where the consequences for being stupid may not be fatal.

In the old days a stupid caveman might go up to a bear "Grog, watch me poke bear with stick". It would be unlikely that he would survive this encounter and the gene pool would be improved. Today, with timely medical intervention, he would survive. The gene pool would deteriorate.

Similarly there are also more arseho*es in the world.

Foe example, in the old days someone goes up to someone in a bar and acts like an a-hole. He would likely be run through, stabbed or shot depending on the technology of the time. Unlikely to survive. One less in the world. Today however timely medical help would likely save him. Goes on to further pollute the gene pool with his offspring.

So, in a nutshell, we have more stupid people and a-holes because medical science saves them from the consequences of their stupidity and a-holery. Just a theory mind you but you can see it in action almost every day of the week.
