What is it with some people?

I can truly appreciate your suffering from asset-holes.

Sorry for your troubles. The 15 year old in me would laugh at people like that without thinking about the self-employed consequences. In four more years I have the option of quitting, of walking away from megalomania/egomania tyrants unaccountable for their actions (within a few boundaries). Walking away from a pyramid structure of politics that was the most important agenda on the pedestal/altar. What did the CO tell the status-reporting-chief when we were deployed with a sailor with a ruptured appendix? "Is he dead yet? Then I don't want to here about it." It's a me me me world out there.

I can truly appreciate your suffering from asset-holes.

CYA {cover your ASSet) is a Navy mantra.

Been there too (not Navy though), and some of the ego's were almost comical in proportion.
Some of them reminded me of the little black chicken that Foghorn Leghorn the rooster put up with in the cartoons. :D