What is it with some people?

Not everyone who comes thru your door is a customer, sometimes the best thing you can do for your business is send someone to your competitor and let them put THEM out of business. Having said that it costs about $1000 to create a new customer and they are worth about $1,000,000. in lifetime income from their friends and relatives.

we get about 2-3 average a year that I won't work for.
One of them, as soon as I walked in the door she demanded I tell her everything I was going to do with the computer and why before I did it.
normally I'd be fine with that if they are paying the time, but when she said that if she ever had a problem with it after that she was going to make me come back and fix it.
(everything she didn't know how to do would have been the fault of my work for the rest of her life and I knew it)

You know how computers are and how people can be.
I smiled, got up and left without saying a word.