What is it with some people?

Another fine example of cheap people ripping off others just because they can is my Mother in law.
She'll invite you to lunch and then let you order whatever, then ask for a plate and want to share it with you instead of ordering something for herself. (and then loudly ***** the entire time you are eating about how much it cost)
The one and only time I went anywhere with her I paid just to shut her up, and when we got ready to leave she took the tip I left and shoved it in her purse. (Then denied it) so I had to go back and leave a tip again.

My Neice and Nephew re tiled her kitchen, entry way and hall and when they got done she tried to give them each 5 bucks. (they turned it down) as they were just trying to fix her house for her.
Every year she sends a check for our house of four at Christmas time for 20 bucks. (5 bucks each) :D
It cracks me up actually, but it pisses the wife off, because she gives her ****** addicted grandson 300 a week till he gets a job and it's been 4-5 years now.
This last time he got re arrested she put up 20,000 bail because he failed his probationary drug tests (always does, and always goes back to jail for it) but he just couldn't bring himself to show up for court, so she lost that. (he was "busy")
Thank god those whackos live in CA and not near us, because I'd put a boot in that kids a**. (and get in trouble for it)
OH, and he had better things to do while his cousins did the tile, so he didn't help with that even.

So tight she squeaks, but gives over 1,000 a month to ONE grandchild out of 7 (the ****** addict) that lives in her house rent free with his ****** addict girl friend.
She steals stuff from the Goodwill and thrift stores when she has a bank account that would make your knees weak.:-)
If she thinks something in a store should be less, she'll find a price tag she likes and tries to swap them.

I'm tellin ya man, whacko land. :D

wow!! LOL, no not really just sad! I hope I cash in my chips if I ever get THAT bad!! LOL
the "last" wife had a dopehead granddaughter she raised and the girl's mother being an addict also. I was driving the wife's car to work ( as I was the only one working), hit a deer and totalled the car. I had bought her the car in the first place. insurance paid more than I had even paid for it. O K , the wife puts the cash in the cookie jar. since it was "her" car... I find a vehicle to buy to get to work, borrow the $$ at the bank for it.
1 year later, wife wants her own car. so where is that cash? B S answers. she sent it to the dopehead granddaughter for lawyer money. few months later I borrow $4500 for her a car. 2 months later she moves back to Tx.! I paid off the bank last year. LOL hope she is happy down there!
we could all maybe write a book of these kind of stories!!?????