Don't overlook those antique malls for tools

Ha- yeah my older brother can spend A LOT of time in those places (it's how he makes his living)....drives me crazy. I just walk through looking for anything car related when with him. I'm usually done in 10 minutes and he hasn't gotten past the first cabinet yet.

Old car magazines from the 60s and 70's are always cool. Grinders are OK too. ;)

LOL... I hear ya. Me and the Mrs are the same way. I usually only look for tools or old radio's. She looks at nearly everything.

I relate.... "she" is into the antique stuff. antique is big in s w MO. the malls are the size of 2 foorballs fields!! LOL

I've looked for anything worthwhile but found 0.

if you find a small town tique store, that has more crap than tiques, you can sometimes finds some useful tools. if you value your time, just as well go buy them elsewhere ?? LOL

farm auctions are the best place to buy hand tools . but beware, lots of time some things will sell for more there than they cost new!!! LOL if they sell a box of tool "stuff", it can hold great treasures for almost nothing.
you can spend hours waiting to bid on stuff there if a large sale.

when it comes to tools in general, no doubt the older stuff is way better!!!!!

Dang, that's some big malls! I hear ya on farm auctions. I've found some good deals there and seen some stuff sell for more than new