avoiding hot tank fees

cause they dump all these fees on top of that , fee to remove cam bearings oh no we do that you cant do that, fee to remove freeze plugs, fee to install freeze plugs, fee to install and by the time your done with all these unnecessary fees its $175 for boring and then $300 for misc fees. you guys would understand where i am coming from if you were in college.

Do all that yourself. If you're going to be into cars start buying hand tools for all the little stuff that comes up. Only pay for the actual machine work and hot tank or baking. Make sure you remove all the oil galley plugs as well and take note where they go for reassembly.

And after machine work spend extra time to clean the block thoroughly. Best way is a new set of brushes, a box of Tide, garden hose, and an air gun to blow it out afterwards. After it's clean spray any surface not getting painted with WD40 or equivalent, then chase all the threads and blow them out.

