Got engaged... in DUBAI!



Nerd Member
Jan 4, 2008
Reaction score
Augusta, GA
Missing my fiance and want to reminisce our engagement last August, here's a little backstory because I'm sure mine is not like any you've heard before.

Pretty much since I've been a member on here I've struggled to find the "right" kind of girl for me. Dating never really worked, between my inability to "just be friends first" with an attractive woman and my inherent picky-ness and impatience it was kind of doomed to fail. At the same time I was looking for decent girls to date I also started to network with my local Muslim community in Denver; I met three good Muslim girls but to be honest they were a little "too" good if you know what I mean (not down with music, the occasional weed puff, going out to bars with my non-Muslim friends etc.). This whole time the rest of my family (dad, mom, two younger bros) were living in Abu Dhabi and I visited them over there once pretty much just to meet women. Again the girls I met were OK but none really "clicked" either they weren't feeling it or I wasn't. [As an aside the way this stuff works in Arabic culture at least, if a young man or woman wants to find a "mate" they basically network through their family and friends to help them find that person. I call it "half-arranged" because the decision rests on the young couple if they like each other or not, at least if the families are halfway decent people and not backwards fundamentalist jerks who force them to marry.]

So fast forward a year or two to this past May which was the month I graduated from college (great timing huh? :banghead:) and my mom and brothers moved back to Colorado from the UAE at the same time. My dad informs me while still overseas (he still lives there now due to his job) that his sister had given him a tip-off about a good friend of hers who has a daughter also looking for a man. Well he got in touch with them literally the day before he was to fly over here for a month to spend Ramadan with us... and the way he described it sounded a lot more promising than my past experiences. Around the beginning of August I flew out to Dubai with my dad for that month to meet this girl and get to know her. Just so you know a flight to UAE is typically 16-20+ hours depending on your connecting stops and I'm 6'2" with really long legs so flying is quite painful for me, I wasn't looking forward to flying out there on a limb and being disappointed again.

Long story short... I wasn't disappointed, the girl I met blew me away and was beyond my wildest hopes and dreams, and we decided to get engaged in the Arabic tradition just a day or two before I flew back to the States. To clarify getting engaged in that context is more just like a "courtship" thing; it doesn't mean your marriage is set-in-stone but it allows the couple to spend time together alone because outside of engagement the man and woman aren't supposed to even touch each other. Some of you might think it's extreme but, TBH their culture is like 2000+ years old and it felt cool to be a part of those traditions. I'd also like to mention this girl is Syrian (as in literally from Syria born and raised) which is also where my dad's family is from. Sharing the same cultural background definitely helped make this happen.

So without further ado, Khalid and Suha...



I'd post more but I'm worried about interweb pervs lol
So now here I am waiting for her fiance visa to get processed by the government as she's obviously not a U.S. citizen... It'll be at least another few months before I see her again and the wait is killing me!
Glad for you buddy! Just remember the more you want it, the longer it takes to get. Go play with your duster and before you know it, she'll be here.
Congratulations! If she is truly the one for you then she is definately worth the wait.......
Congratulations. Marriage is a serious long term commitment.
Congratulations Young man, she is a very pretty and lovely lady.
Mabrook :D

I remember when it all was about to begin, now I also have been waiting for the grand wedding day.

All I can say is that she is going to need her own mopar. I am thinking a dodge since you were already won over by Plymouth, so she can use a case of dodge fever. I am thinking A-body for sure. Auto transmission since most eastern countries have manuals and autos are a novelty. I would say a 70-2 swinger with a slanty :D

big congrats


Arabic food is awesome! I got hooked on it when I used to work near Dearborn, MI. My oldest son's best friend is Muslim Arabic. We took him to the Dream Cruise a couple years ago and took him out for Arabic food in Dearborn and pigged out. He loved it....

Good luck and hope your marriage lasts a lifetime....
congraulations.... I hope you guys will be happy together!!!

its too bad we Americans , in general, have too little opportunity to learn of the Muslim culture. all we are exposed to are radicals and extremists. or for that matter what goes on in Europe??
Looks like the wait was worth it! I'd say those smiles say it all. A couple of months is nothing, compared to a lifetime! Congratulations.
Congratulations Mope, I got married in Mexico (which is actually quite complicated for a foreigner to do), brought my wife to California since she had a tourist visa. It takes up to two years for a status change (tourist to permanent resident) but at least I had her with me, if I had done the fiance route she would have had to wait 3 or 4 months away from me but the permanent resident card would have been a lot faster, don't know if I could have lasted the 3 or 4 months! Prayers for you two, hold your breath, she IS worth the wait! Seventeen years and four kids later, I don't think I'm smart enough to have made the decision, I was certainly helped by the hand of God! I'm smiling more now than I was then, here's to the both of you!
Pretty girl. Congrats. Got some guns on her too. I bet she can take you. lol
Thank you all for the nice replies! Yes I'm very excited, this wait sucks but it's a piece of cake compared to the "waiting" I was doing before I met her. I spent so much time in college worrying that it was never gonna work out, and like it typically goes she just kind of appeared and that was that! Like 67hfish said, this whole thing wasn't really up to me I firmly believe God led us to each other. Heck, God knows I prayed about it enough...

Rani: I have a feeling if/when she gets a Mopar it's gonna have to be something with a proper V8 and it'll have to be painted black (her favorite car color O:) ) She doesn't drive yet but I went jet-skiing with her on one of our "dates" and holy crap, can't think of another way to describe it she's got balls lol. More so than a lot of men I've met.

barbee6043: you're right man it's a shame, actually that's part of the reason I posted this thread in the first place. I wanna show how real "normal" Muslim human beings live; I mean heck when you think about it one-fifth of the entire human population of the world is Muslim, they can't all be extremist terrorists right?

Rusty: Good catch, she's definitely got the attitude... she's had a pretty rough life and she don't take crap from NOBODY lol. She's got this intimidating sassy look she gives when you're messing with her, like DAYUM! Makes me burn up inside :prayer:

One thing's for sure... this relationship is gonna be one wild ride. I think this song describes her pretty well, except I'm not walking away I'm trying to hang around forever.

[ame=""]Black Sabbath - Walk Away - YouTube[/ame]
Congrats and nice share, never heard the tune either, pretty good. I too have done that flight, looks like it was well worth it for you!!!
Congratulations and you picked a good Artist to describe how your feelings are towards her.RONNIE JAMES DIO man that man had a voice...
Beautiful pictures of you both. Congratulations!

Salaam alaikum and may peace and love always be upon you.
Bring her to a Municipal Waste show.

I'll bring Amy.

You guys can get ripped and we'll get wasted.

It will be great, or something to that effect.
And don't worry about interweb pervs.

They're just plain pervs with the power of the internet...

Which equates to nothing.