HP & TQ difference between 10.1 comp to 11.1 comp?

I like to hear all yalls opinions on stuff.. Just real world talk on real life combo's. I just came accros a article talking about CR's and figure I would start a topic.. Lol my life has turned very boring the last 6 month's and need this stuff to keep me going lol. Been mechanic for 10 yrs and had to stop and go drive a truck for awhile bc my back and hip is messed up. Have already had one surgery on hip and need second and then back surgery. So I had to stop wrenching for a bit until I have some surgery done and I am really hating driving a truck. Its so freaking boring, never home to see the kids and wife and never get to work on anything when I do come home so I just like to talk about things to keep my mind sane lol.