HP & TQ difference between 10.1 comp to 11.1 comp?

Thanx for the personal tour. At 27, you could be my youngest son. My blood son just turned 30.
Well, I read those books too. But I was a Lot older when I started.Mom said as a young tyke, I liked to take everything apart.She never said wreck stuff.She said I was curious.
As a teener and young man, I had no goals, just wandered from job to job. When I got married at 24, people said I better get a grip on life. That got me started on the trail of taking stuff apart again to see how it worked.Three kids came along between 80 and 84.The rest is history. Im going on 62 now, semi-retired, and looking to give back.
-And youre right papers dont fix cars. I never made a ton of money, but in 30 years I always had work. I like to think God takes care of his own. I have always had a strong, healthy body and a sound mind. So I can only imagine your situation and empathize. Although I have had toothaches on occasion, I cant imagine thats worth mentioning.
-So Tn is a long ways from here, so I wont be coming over for a beer anytime soon. but if you care to chat now and then, feel free to pm me. Or you can keep it public. Im a private(loner) kinda guy. People have called me a nerd, and a loner, and a bookworm, and worse. But Im always willing to share.
-Time is the one true commodity that we are born with. Its in how we chose to,or are able to, spend it, that counts in the end. Kiss your wife, love your kids, share your time with them, and may God bless you.