Issue with brand new truck. Advice on how to proceed?

Ummmm......why should they "do it here" when they already HAVE it here? I see Ford expanding their sales to the global market and improving the other parts of the world at the same time. .....and you see that as a bad thing?

Much the same as Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Kia, and many other foreign companies have spread to the US, Ford is doing the same from here. What exactly is wrong with an AMERICAN company making themselves stronger? Please step by step. I wanna know.
I have an Issue when they intentionally built that plant to build cars to Import back to the U.S., not elsewhere. The cars they make there are arriving here. How many years before American plants are phased out, and all you get will be cars from there? (outside the country) They could have built that plant here, and many wanted them to.But, They were cheap self serving corporate types, like those that exist everywhere. The excuse at the time(2008) was the unions refused to allow the plant to be built in the U.S. My point is we can be brand loyal all we want(I'm not any more) but they aren't loyal to us. They think we are here to be manipulated to their benefit, and they are winning.
This isn't a ride on Ford solely, but on all the so-called American manufacturers. Ford is no more American anymore than Fiat or GM.