1965 Dodge Dart Charger


Your English is excellent! I wasn't making fun of it (or of you) -- I just couldn't resist the opportunity since you accidentally said the name of a Beatles song.

Your English is even better than excellent if we compare it to my Swedish: "Strålkastarglas sprucket? Byt snarast med kottbullar eller lingon!"

It's ok Dan! No worries as they say in Australia! Your Swedish is excellent. Not sure how to change with kottbullar and lingon!Lol

The other day I was emailing to a guy about the paralellshaft! After I sent the email I recall it's called center link! The guy asked me what I was talking about. But when I mentioned centerlink he just had a good time about it.

This confusion is free of charge of cause!:oops: I hope not the Swedish IRS read this post.