Married guys - car budgets and honesty

Like my old man says - can't live with 'em, can't shoot 'em either. He says some other things too which are probably best left unsaid.

Listen, call me a pussy all you want, I don't give a ****. I thought about divorce plenty of times but so far I've stuck it out. I'm a man for being in this situation and also for keeping my word and staying with it. Can't stand the thought of leaving my kids so it is what it is. My parents got divorced when I was around 13. Trying not to repeat their mistakes.

Anyway, I have a hard time with the full disclosure thing. Guess I just like to keep some things close to the vest. Is that wrong? I'll bet there are things my wife doesn't tell me about but when it comes down to it, I can't hide from all of it and I'm not trying to.

There was t-shirt I saw at Carlisle last year I wish I would have bought. It said "My wife would kill me if she really knew how much I spend on my car". Thought that was about right.