Married guys - car budgets and honesty

My wife and I have a joint account for bills, family stuff, and a bit of a slush fund... We also each have our own accounts, and nearly all my car $ come fro my own account. Like you I dip into the joint funds for a needed part or thing every once in a while, but its rare. I hate my wife knowing what some of this stuff costs, because I frequently "kick the can down the road" on other stuff, home repairs, or travel (which she loves)... She gets on me pretty hard when I say we cant afford this or that, and then she hears what my new wheels cost.... But honestly, if she asks, I tell the truth. When she has asked what I need for something, I tell the truth then too... Remember, they may not be in the hobby, but they do know what it means to us, My wife has suprised me a few times wanting to make sure I have money for car stuff when things are tight...

What has worked best for me to help justify the funds I put to my car is is to try and budget some of that stuff ahead of time. I set aside some cash from our joint account, and my account for vacation or whatever that she wants/needs. I let her know what its for and if she wants to move it to another thing, thats up to her... Also, when I get some overtime, or extra dough I let it be known ahead of time where its gonna land... So if its my car money thats what it is; and if its for a dining room table or a trip to see her family, I gotta keep my greasy hands off too...
