internet scams how to avoid??

You just have to be careful and do what you can to keep from being scammed.

I found a 66 barracuda on Craigslist in Wisconsin and I live in Virginia. This was last June.

The guy didn't have a phone number or email in his ad so I replied through Craigslist reply. We went back and forth over email a bunch...probably 3 weeks! I was being careful and the seller was being careful also. Finally, I asked for his phone number so I could call him. We talked on the phone a couple of times and I paid for an inspector to go out and inspect the car. It cost something like $200 but it made me feel better knowing the car was there.

So, I finally scheduled a trip up to see it but asked the seller to me at a Burger King with the car. We met, I drove the car and wanted it.

Before I left for the trip I asked my bank the best way to do the transaction. I bank at Wells Fargo and there is a branch where I bought the car so they recommended I "order" the cash I needed so it will be available. So after I decided to buy it, I made arrangements to meet the seller at the bank. We swapped title and keys for money and the transaction was done!

Then the seller took me on a tour of the city, we had a lunch and few drinks! We still communicate back and forth.

Meeting at a bank is the ONLY way in this day and age I would make a transaction of thousands of dollars. It's too bad we have to be like that but I value my life!!!!