Street outlaw clowns are in trouble!

How do you think local tracks would feel if these guys are banished. These guys show up/do appearances at a track and the place is packed with people wanting to meet the SO celebrities. All that gate money doesn't appear at those tracks that really need it without the celebrities being on the premises. A little catch 22?

Maybe some of those 800K salaries would be better spent on competent individuals to run the deal and not treat it as a money tree to rape it bare. Put more back into other facilities instead of bleeding the sportsman dry! My fricken seat belts are out of date... I'll just back down to 11.50 and run my 50 year old belts. LOL GENIUS!!!

nhra can count one more viewer not watching the dog/pony show they air on weekends.

That's true, the kids would love to meet these people and see their cars, got a point there.