Inventions wanted!

Car Treats...we like giving treats to our pets, why not for our cars? Something in "treat" form you drop into your gas tank to reward your car.

I'm not sure but I could have sworn I'd seen some place selling a gas additive that would give your exhaust a scented smell. - Like vanilla or cookies or bananas or something like that.

Wine concentrate for cooking...a little capsule to add to the pot when you might not have actual wine on hand.

That I guess would be sort of like bouillon cubes that people sometimes use to make gravy. The wine flavored option might be a cool alternative.

Motion-sensing security strips...if someone moves a possession of yours, a remote transmitter sends you a text

If they could make an affordable system for the general public it might prevent thefts from places that aren't closely monitored. It'd be like your own Walmart passthru sensors. They'd have to be easy to conceal so that crooks wouldn't notice them and remove them. It'd be great if GPS tracking would be an option too but I could see the cost getting too high. I lost several thousand dollars worth of parts other goods from our farm this past year. I would have loved a heads up on what was going on.