Issue with brand new truck. Advice on how to proceed?

not good , did you happen to call the owner of the group-- Dawson G-- with all his feel good ads- I would be publicly mentioning the service of his company-- you do not have to be negative just the facts-- actually I would be calling the local tv stations (kake on your side comes to mind) --they love to put these issues on the news. Good Luck, Lawrence

I actually met Dawson while I was in there one of the times before making the buy and that arrogant prick couldn't be bothered by even speaking hello, just a two finger wave and a smug nod. Guess that was red flag number one that I didn't pay needed attention to. :banghead:

I'm thinking maybe a sticker for my back window to see if people will be curious enough to ask me what the deal was. Nothing obnoxious, just something to tell them DM was worthless, and who the circus leaders were. I dunno, I'm definitely not done with them, that's for sure. I'm not one to just concede and disappear. I'm lucky enough to have every other week off work and have found a daycare for my boy so I'll have AMPLE time to really put them into higher blood pressure.