Finally figured it out!! Prototype underway!!

I feel the need to relate a true story that happened in my life time. In the mid 70's I went to work for a large shop in Tampa Fl. While I worked there and met some of the customers, I became interested in this one particular gentleman that I was told had lifetime free repairs and general maintenance on his vehicles. When I inquired as to why I was told that he had landed a large contract with the shop owner to repair all the vehicles in the Hillsborough County Sheriffs Department. I also leaned that he was making royalty's from Lucky Strike Cigarettes for selling them the slogan "Be Happy go Lucky". He later came up with the bright idea to run several ads in different magazines and news papers that read "Send me a dollar and receive the surprise of a lifetime!" Well the surprise was you got nothing! The story was he collected over 250K and had to spend 50K of it over several years in legal fees. Bottom line he was 200k richer.
Bottom line? All you need is a gimmick!