Finally figured it out!! Prototype underway!!


I offered the video as an example of cam phasing. There are all kinds of ways to alter the cam position relative to it's drive, which is cam phasing. You yourself claim to have seen 100. Again the issue is uniqueness. Are the means you intend to employ unique?
If you have done your due delligence on patent searches and know that your design is indeed unique, then you should pay some attention to this area as well. Mechanical design patents can be challenging, but they can pay off as well.

I knew what you meant after that last message.. I think we just misunderstood each other. I by no means meant it to sound argumentative.

Ya, the 100 I sad is prob a low figure. I wasn't exaggerating. Alot of your newer engines with timing chains have them, hell just between Nissan's crappy 1.8's,2.5's and 3.5's I've prob done at least 30 either from broken t-chain guides, bad tensinors, or doing head gasket jobs. And they all have them. I wasn't saying that to be smart.... Just the truth lol, guess it did sound like a bs number , but wasn't