Help me stop!

Decided to check and make sure my calipers were sliding ok and not getting hung up or anything. What I found is bothering me.

I took off the pads, reinstalled the caliper to check the range and ease of slide. A little rough, but not bad. Re installed the pads and found that installed and ready to run, the caliper is at it's MAXIMUM outward travel. So with the inner pads looking like new and outers 70% worn, my calipers cannot move outward. At all. Actually if you look in the front of the caliper, all you see is inner pad and rotor. I've never run across this.

I'm trying like crazy to wrap my brain around this, and I'm wondering if this is the whole problem. As far as wear, it looks like I'm not even using the inners. But then the piston IS applying the inners only, so again, it's confusing.

Am I wrong, or is this the problem?