Help me stop!

Dropped off my engine at the dyno place today, to get hooked up and ready to run tomorrow AM, so....I could give my entire focus to this problem.

After reading all your posts again and again, I took a look at things and I THINK I might have found it! I think.

The first pic is just a shot of everything installed, thru the caliper "inspection window". Can't even SEE the outer pad.

the second one is a shot of the huge diff in wear. The darn inner pads are like new.

So looking and looking, I find that the inner pad cannot move past the Scarebird bracket, to squeeze the rotor. So there's a little (1/8 inch) lip of the pad bed sticking out on both top and bottom edge, preventing any further inner movement. Not only that but I found a gouge in that "lip" where it was being pressed into a weld on the bracket. The next couple pics are the lip before and after, and a shot of the gouge. I ground everything nice and flush, and smooth... and now the pad can pass thru the bracket to the rotor, where it should be. Everything moves and slides very smooth.

So my thoughts are that as I brake the car, the inner pad could NOT move any further, pulling the outer pad against the rotor. This caused a ton of wear to outer pad only and gave me half the braking power I SHOULD have!

Put both sides back together and knocked on wood!

Man, I hope this is all good now. It sure makes sense in my head. I can't know forsure until I drive the thing, probably a month. It's all weather dependant. That and the hope my new bullet survives the dyno.

So AJ, Bill, what do YOU guys think? I GREATLY appreciate your help through this and I sure hope it's now solved. I'm no longer trying to scrape the dough together for a Wilwood or SSBC kit. I'm waiting til I drive it.

Man, if this was the problem I can't believe it evaded me for FOUR summers!