Some new ideas for my Slant

For the money invested in a long rod bottom end, you could buy a few other power adders(cam, headers, etc.), and make some decent power gains. The setup you described above won't have any more power or be any faster than a stock bottom end 225 with the same intake and carb, and a head milled 0.1".

The long rod bottom end won't gain you anything noticeable with the above setup, except a lighter wallet.

Lighter rotating assembly and more detonation resistance (This is others, including Dutra himself's testimony) To say it don't gain anything is somewhat incorrect, to put it a little better would be 'The debatable minimal gain wouldn't be worth the cost'

And everything I've heard about Comp's slant cams in the past 4 years or so hasn't been good, better off with a properly sized regrind (Oregon Cams is a popular one, great people to boot)

Oh, and read/ask ?s in the forum part of, that's all they know and a many of them have built/race multiple slants. Some of 'em got it down to a science :burnout: