Edelbrock models 1405 versus 1406 carburetors

Yes Hipo the final touch was the secondary early feed tube to be removed. I also drilled out the accelerator pump shooters to 0.8mm (0.036") and the bog is all gone. The secondary air valve was modified by drilling a hole of about 10mm in each weight to see if lighter was better but I inserted lead sinkers and peened them in to give them more weight. this did not make much difference so restored to its original weight.

Final list of mods on my 1406:

1) step #2 on the chart which gave me standard cruise and 4% power enrichment (.095" jet with.070" x .037" rod)
1a) drilled out the idle jets to 1mm (0.40") This fixed all the off idle stumble and cruise problems like surging etc.
2) drilled out pump shooters to 0.8mm
3) drilled another transfer nozzle closer to the early feed tubes
4) removed the early feed tubes.
5) secondary jets one step up to 0.098"

Cruise economy is great better than the Holley.
Response is all there. Very light on the pedal and vacuum advance is all O.K. with it..

Billy D...