Piston dome question?

MAN!!! those are the prettiest piston tops I've ever seen..ever
....before you make those grooves just as clean and spend a truly dedicated
effort on them(with excellent results I must add)
please take a measurement of the piston skirt. If that number is (whatever)
If it's good, clean the groves....everything was OK until the pic of the side.
Did you keep them in the block or disassembled. Did they come out easy or did you have to whack them a bit harder to get them started??
That favors dissimilar metal corrosion, like steel and aluminum?
PM me your email and I'll send you pics from a couple sets-used and unused and a set
with the tops cut off (my original set).
If you want to have some fun clean them up, 0 deck, some ol style steel rings and
decent set of 202s (63-65cc)for about 13.5-1 which will require big octane and
have the blast of a lifetime just like was done like it was "yesterday"..........