Voltage regulator dart rallye cluster?

Yes they do repop them now as a set and with an external IVL.
430.00 + the ride....

The real issue is that once the limiter goes it sends bat volt to the other gauges burns the insulation on the ni-chrome wire and renders them bad (shorted). You will be hard pressed to find someone to sell you x inches/feet of ni-chrome double glass serve wire in less then 500ft. Read as more or less then the cost of new gauges. Then the real issue is how to attach the wire, the length, ohms and diameter of the wire. Soldering it is not how it is actually attached it is welded on with solder over it for support.

Again, to cut to the chase, contact redfish link provided above. He can restore your gauges completely and has done many of them for folks here and elsewhere and they will be updated with an external VL.

I didn't know anybody was repopping the fuel gauge. I would suggest having your current one rebuilt. My original died, and I paid big bucks for an NOS gauge; which did not work, and that was the one I wound up sending it to be rebuilt. I called D&M at 1-800-722-0854 and they said between $60 and & $120 depending on how bad it was. I know there are other people aout there, but these people did a good job for me, and it has worked fine for 15+ years.