Damned bulkhead connectors.

I have spent the last couple days rewiring Natalie (my Duster). I researched quite a few connector and did not like what I saw.
I decided to go with my original idea of the strip connectors, in a plastic enclosure.
So far I have almost finished (2 wires left) wiring the engine compartment. I will start on the behind the dashboard.

What I expected to find and did, was the wiring I did when I first got her and am ashamed of myself. But at the time I was trying to just get her running. Thankfully I did not let my temporary fix become permanent. It was terrible.

Here are a couple pix of the strip connectors and the plate I fashioned to plug the hole it left. I will tie wrap all the wire looms later.

Although you can not see it in the pictures, I do not believe in Solderless Connectors, I solder and shrink wrap (usually 2 layers) each and every connector I use.