Blast gun recommendations

You ain't mucked up anybody's thread. It's still about blastin ain't it? Then hush up.

Ok. I have somewhat of an update. I ain't got close to no hundred bucks to throw at a gun.....though the recommendations are greatly appreciated.

But I found this on Ebay. Got it for like 24 dollars shipped. It's a Truman's blast gun, made in Canfield, Ohio. I know I probably could have gotten some tips, but I also wanted a gun with a full length trigger and this one has it. It also has a steel tip......I cannot tell if it's carbide, but it is bound to outlast the crappy ceramic ones. The gun is heavy duty. A magnet sticks to it, so it is not aluminum.

Since Erik brought up his blast gun mod, I thought I would take this one apart and see how it stacks up against the cheap ones that seem to have the problem Erik pointed out.

Guess what? The orifice in this gun is WELL behind the siphon hole where the media is picked up. How bout that? Erik might actually be on to something. Here are a couple of pictures and you can clearly see the orifice is behind the siphon hole.

I have not used it yet, but when I do I will update again.

Erik, I really appreciate it. Without that tip, I would not have known where to start. Now that I have gotten an obviously high quality gun with the orifice so far back, it's a pretty safe bet that the orifice mod you shared is the fix.