76 Scamp A/C

Along with 40 year old hoses your system may have been overcharged, 36 OZ of R-134A is equal to the R-12 capacity and you usually use less R-134A in a conversion, especially with the original serial flow condenser. You have to watch your discharge side pressure on a converted system. High ambient temperatures with too small a condenser for R-134A can cause the discharge pressures to get really high. The EPA mandates a high pressure cut off switch on converted systems although many times the switch is not installed.

Actually, for what I'm adjusted to, it actually seemed like the pressure was low; 10 on the low side and just under 200 on the high. My truck that I converted usually runs at 30 on the low and 250 on the high and it'll get under freezing in there, but then that's on a 1990 S15 with an R4 compressor and the whole system has been replaced. So now that this happened to it, I'm gonna drive it up to Tampa and see what they can do for me. I'm gonna let them know that I'm to the point that I don't care what it looks like as long as it work.