cuda- single to dual conversion-FINE LINES?

here's the deal.... 65 cuda... 273 manual drum brakes....I have . installed new manual brake MC and used 70 manual brake Prop. value. I need the front lines and t he long from front to rear line.... I call Fine LInes direct to get lines what work. i explain what i'm doing to the guy, he then gives the problem to another guy. they send me the MC to value lines ONLY... ( # reads 64-5 conversion line)..... they fit the MC but only one line fits the valve, so I call them.....

I get another second guy.. he says to make THIS work,,, I must have their conversion setup where I buy their VALVE for $70 and their lines are made to fit THAT........ NEVER tell me to bigin with their lines won't fit my value!!! Ha

I ask why can't you send me the lines that fit the 70 MC and 70 valve I HAVE, and lines for the front lines and long line for the " 67 " cuda. I realize the RIGHT front line will be a little long and off a little..., but should be easy fit, the left line would be little if no difference??????

years back 90's. I did a 64 Savoy, changed to 440, and dual MC. o rdered lines from one of the makers, NO problem.....

not sure if my description is CLEAR, but what do people do when changing an early A car from single to dual MC????????

seems like I get screwed 4-5 times day!???????