cuda- single to dual conversion-FINE LINES?

here's the deal.... 65 cuda... 273 manual drum brakes....I have . installed new manual brake MC and used 70 manual brake Prop. value. I need the front lines and t he long from front to rear line.... I call Fine LInes direct to get lines what work. i explain what i'm doing to the guy, he then gives the problem to another guy. they send me the MC to value lines ONLY... ( # reads 64-5 conversion line)..... they fit the MC but only one line fits the valve, so I call them.....

I get another second guy.. he says to make THIS work,,, I must have their conversion setup where I buy their VALVE for $70 and their lines are made to fit THAT........ NEVER tell me to bigin with their lines won't fit my value!!! Ha

I ask why can't you send me the lines that fit the 70 MC and 70 valve I HAVE, and lines for the front lines and long line for the " 67 " cuda. I realize the RIGHT front line will be a little long and off a little..., but should be easy fit, the left line would be little if no difference??????

years back 90's. I did a 64 Savoy, changed to 440, and dual MC. o rdered lines from one of the makers, NO problem.....

not sure if my description is CLEAR, but what do people do when changing an early A car from single to dual MC????????

seems like I get screwed 4-5 times day!???????

Some just run a line straight to the rear and add an adjustable valve.
Some mix and match lines to get them to fit.
Some bend their own up. this usually gives you a better fit to your liking even if you buy the rear to front line and just bend up the master to valve lines.
I did my first one just like they wanted, their valve and all. worked great and fit good. the wife's 1966 (273)dart got 1970 front lines 1970 rear to front line and the standard lines out back. everything fit pretty close. there were a few extra tweaks due to the 70 being a bit wider and longer than the 66 but it did work out but a tubing bender fixed all the problems. Of course I knew the 70 would fit since I put a 73 floor pan from a dart in my 66 dart(got it cheap 50.00) and only had to change the seat track mounting area and where the seat belts holes were. heck even the spot welds lined up to put it back in and I got the wider trans tunnel to boot!