What's up with THAT?!!!

What's up with spelling and pronunciation? A lot of people can't seem to spell whatsoever anymore...they don't even try. Especially on the internet...which is an oxymoron, because if you are on the internet and can't figure out how to spell it, it will usually auto-correct. If not, you can open another browser and Google it, and the correct spelling will appear. Like, duh.
I had a guy once say he wanted to "axe me something". I told him "No, thanks, I have a chainsaw". The dumbfounded look on his face was priceless...he had no clue what I was talking about.
I had a boss once tell me in an email he "should of" not allowed me to work overtime..."should of"?And you're the boss? (or is that 'your' the boss?)
I could go on and on......