old man new member

If you are talking to me. Thank this site is full of great information. Second, if you consider my questions spam not sure what to tell you. Out of the 8 car forums I am on Ray is the only guy I've seen attempt this type of swap and successfully complete it. So of course I am very curious about the details.

No. The world doesn't revolve around you. This thread was started by the OP, Old Man Ray, whom I was addressing.

I was being funny welcoming him after such a long time since his first post, hence my "welcome aboard newbie" comment. I thought that was pretty clear.

The spam comment was kinda a private joke between him and me. He sent us a flavor Spam that we do not have down here a while back because we were talking about Spam on another thread. This is why each time I have used Spam I capitalized it, denoting it was meant as a proper noun since it is a name brand. Spam in your use would not have been capitalized unless it was at the beginning of a sentence such as this one <<<<<.

Over and out. Thank you drive through.