Roadrunner or Not

Hi Dartnut

Thanks so much for the helpful tips.

Since I have stage IV breast cancer, you're right, it sucks to be me. One of my bucket lists items was to have my own RR. I've been drooling at them for over a year.

Did I need it? Nope. Did I really need to spend the $ on it given my medical bills? Nope Did I want it? Yep, sure did. I found a number of them priced at $40,000 and that just wasn't in my budget.

Came across this beauty on the way back home on a rescue dog transport; fell in love with it; negotiated a price and voila having fun.

My heirs will needs to sort it all out but until then my *** with the stripe on the tail sure is turning some heads out there and I'm having fun doing it.