Pulled the Mess that was my Timing Chain....

Today was an extremely slow day. Managed to get the cam pull out about 3 inches, but kept getting caught on something or a lifter. We used lifter grips, lifter grips with a magnet, two powerful magnets, they would hardly budge. If they dropped though from the raised position, the cam would get stuck and stop turning. Hard to get much down there with the extremely tight space.

Is there ANY way to get lifters off without removing the entire head? Or did we just waste a day by trying to figure out a way around it? Since they weren't budging, could it be a sign that they mushroomed? Teach is very against pulling the head, and would actually rather to pull out the entire engine to go to the entire thing. I did order a new cam today (Thank you so much JohnnyDart!) so I'll be expecting that.