700+ Abandoned Dodges Sitting in an Alabama Lot


I'd have had fun with that one. Tell him $20 for a burger... Then tell him why! LOL

I did that to a flipper guy out here except he was looking at a part I had for sale. I told him $1200 and he thought that was crazy high. A guy right next to him asked and I told him $600. The flipper guy said sold. I said no, your price is still $1200, his price is $600 which was a fair price for what I was selling. One guuy walked away with a part he needed, the other was pissed he couldn't jack up a $600 bought part to $1200 in his spot. I got exactly what I wanted for the item and had a good laugh for myself and friends.

Oh, you'd get free food at my pad if I was cooking! :cheers:

Thanks I appreciate that, and you would always have a cold beer waiting for you at my spot. I dealt and been around Ted Stephens for a while now. I'll be nice and say he is a piece of work!