Roadrunner or Not

I’ll tell you what I would do if I was you, based on what I understand about your situation and what I know. You plan on keeping the car and are happy with it and will get the Holy Grail Title in Texas?
All good. Other than researching the history to a point, I would let sleeping dogs lie.
Titles are a big subject of debate. Each state is different. Georgia does not issue titles on a older car if you don’t have one.
(That may change. There is legislation)
There are legitimate ways available to get one if you want to for your "Road Runner", I think.
Researching your car might turn something up. It might not. Time and death will cover a multitude of sins.
The car is going on 50. What can we expect to have happened?
Just to give you an example, I have a car with an older title. Not the original title, but old.
I consider it part of the car’s history. It was signed over with notary to the person I bought the car from. I have a notarized bill of sale from that person.
I will not give Georgia the money they want to “transfer” the title. And I may or may not try and contact the person that retitled the car in 74.
It’s a title.
What difference does it make?
The point is if there is no way to definitively identify your car and Texas will issue you a title, I think that is golden in the law.
You have a Certificate of Origin issued by the sovereign state of Texas.
It is a curiosity and relic.
Others may differ for sure, But that’s my opinion.
It's just as likely you have a Frankencar as a complete stolen car.
Or both.

Good morning adriver

My only heir, my husband, thinks the way you do. We have a clean, clear Texas Title and he's gonna drive the wheels off of it anyway. No plans to sell it. In another 20 years, the car will be 70. Too many years under the bridge to worry about what happened in the past.

Next time one of our good friends come into town (ex-body man), we'll have him take a look. He's pretty knowledgeable.

It's my curiosity that is peaked and I'm somewhat anal retentive so wanted more info and a dang dash plate. Hubby could care less. He just wants to turn heads and has bigger things to worry about.