Germanwings flight.

If it's true that Germanwings informed him he would be fired after the flight that airline is done. That's beyond egregious, that's straight up negligence. It would be bad enough if they didn't know he was facing charges and just let him assume he would be fired. But to actually tell him before the flight?!

It also appears that Germanwings doesn't do any psychological testing (another article), which I find really strange. I had to do a full psychological eval to become a firefighter. But not an airline pilot?

It's horrifyingly ironic that the reinforced, locking cabin door actually allowed this series of events to play out. I mean, seriously. The cabin doors, before 9/11, were pretty flimsy and didn't lock, or at least not very securely, for a reason. But instead we just assume that everyone is a terrorist, and install doors that can't be overridden from the outside if someone on the inside so chooses, and are reinforced so the can't be easily broken down. Well, here's one reason that's a really bad idea. If someone inside the cabin wants to crash the plane, what do you do? Heck, if a terrorist takes the cabin and locks themselves in, what do you do? Ignorant, uninformed decisions will make terrorists more successful than they could have ever dreamed.