Germanwings flight.

Here is something the Europeans might think about changing:
"Airlines in Europe are not required to have two people in the cockpit at all times, unlike the standard U.S. operating procedure, which was changed after the 9/11 attacks to require a flight attendant to take the spot of a briefly departing pilot."

I'm sure it will probably change. But, in practice, will it make much of a difference? Maybe in some cases, but if the flight attendant is 5' nothing and weighs 100 lbs soaking wet, is it much of a deterrent?

For that matter, if the pilot is 5' nothing and 100 lbs soaking wet, does the pilot even need to leave the cabin? Sure, it makes it easier just to lock them out. But if you're really intent on crashing the plane you lock the door and subdue the other pilot/attendant.

The ability of the person/persons in the cabin to completely isolate themselves from the rest of the plane is only a good idea in the case that the "bad guy" is outside of the cabin. If that changes, the ability to isolate the cabin from the rest of the plane becomes a decided advantage. Which is why they didn't lock, or not as securely as they do now.

thoughts & prayers to all the families. Regardless of the cause, this is a tragedy. Lawrence
