Help with build sheet

First thing to remember on a build sheet...if there is a number under the character, your car has that option! Now, it would be best to get yourself some of Galen's White Books, as they will run down every line and box of the build sheet! Some of the lines are self explanatory, such as the rear axle for example...if there is a number under the Suregrip box, your car has a suregrip! The number in the box is the last number of the 3 digit option code! So, you would take the first 2 digits printed above the option box, add the number typed in the box at the end, then look up that option code in the white book! It will then tell you which rear end you should have, the ratio of the gears, and of course since there is a character typed in the Suregrip box, it has a Suregrip!! Get the idea??

If I could read that build sheet a little closer, I would run it through my books! Maybe I'll try to bring it up on the big computer! Geof